Little Blowhole Kiama

Author: villaget   Date Posted:31 December 2014 

While Kiama is famous for its Big Blowhole located close to township near the lighthouse, Kiama is also home to a much smaller 'Little Blowhole'. The Little Blowhole is much smaller in size, however it can be equally as spectacular spraying on lookers when the winds are blowing from the North East. On calmer days you will also hear the characteristic 'whoomp' sound coming from the blowhole. Kiama Little Blow Hole Kiama Little Blow Hole Close Up Kids and adults love watching the blowhole, with its occasional large spurts in between smaller blows. The little blowhole can be found between Kendall's and East's Beach - around 3km south of the township in Tingara Ave. From the Little Blow Hole, you can also take the kids on the Kiama Coast Walk (or part thereof) which extends from the Kiama township to Gerringong's Werri Lagoon. Kiama Little Blowhole Map